;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Установка Стрелка ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "weapons\ust" ; option for Level Editor
$npc = on
$prefetch = 8
scheduled = off ; option for ALife Simulator
cform = skeleton
class = WP_LR300
min_radius = 0
max_radius = 100
description = enc_weapons_ust
ef_main_weapon_type = 2 ;3
ef_weapon_type = 6 ;8
;--- scope weapons -----------------------------------------------------------------
holder_range_modifier = 2.0 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_range
holder_fov_modifier = 0.3 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_fov
cost = 400000
weapon_class = assault_rifle
ammo_limit = 180 ; obsolete
ammo_current = 90 ; obsolete
ammo_elapsed = 10 ; obsolete
ammo_mag_size = 150
hand_dependence = 2
single_handed = 0
ammo_class = ammo_gauss
fire_modes = 1
f_mode = 2
slot = 2 ; // first
animation_slot = 2 ; type of the animation that will be used
inv_name = wpn-ust
inv_name_short = wpn-ust
inv_weight = 10.8
sprint_allowed = false
inv_grid_width = 4
inv_grid_height = 2
inv_grid_x = 13
inv_grid_y = 38
kill_msg_x = 98
kill_msg_y = 0
kill_msg_width = 78
kill_msg_height = 25
;базовая дисперсия
fire_dispersion_base = 1.0 ;угол (в градусах) базовой дисперсии оружия (оружия зажатого в тисках)
control_inertion_factor = 1.04f
disp_rate = 1.5
cam_relax_speed = 2.0 ;2.75 ;скорость возврата в исходное положение
cam_dispersion = 0.300 ;увеличения угла (в градусах) с каждым выстрелом
cam_dispersion_inc = 0.3 ;увеличениe cam_dispersion с каждым выстрелом
cam_dispertion_frac = 1.0 ;ствол будет подыматься на cam_dispersion*cam_dispertion_frac +- cam_dispersion*(1-cam_dispertion_frac)
cam_max_angle = 30.0 ;максимальный угол отдачи
cam_max_angle_horz = 15.0 ;(degree) maximum shot horizontal degree
cam_step_angle_horz = 4.5 ;4.3 ;(degree) size of step camera moved in horizontal position while shooting
fire_dispersion_condition_factor = 7 ;увеличение дисперсии в процентах при максимальном износе
misfire_probability = 0.0003 ;вероятность осечки при максимальном износе
misfire_condition_k = 0.05
condition_shot_dec = 0.00003 ;увеличение износа при каждом выстреле
direction = 0, 0, 1
;fire_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.559
fire_point = 0.3, -0.26, 1.4
flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon_gauss
;smoke_particles = weapons\generic_shoot_00
;shell_point = 0.0, 0.127, 0.50
;shell_point = 0.3, -0.26, 0.5
;shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
rpm_empty_click = 400
PDM_disp_base = 2.0
PDM_disp_vel_factor = 1.2
PDM_disp_accel_factor = 1.2
PDM_crouch = 1.0
PDM_crouch_no_acc = 1.0
hit_power = 300
hit_impulse = 100
hit_type = strike
hit_rate = 30
fire_distance = 150
bullet_speed = 840
rpm = 100
use_aim_bullet = false ;Поддерживается ли первая суппер пуля
time_to_aim = 2.0
hud = ust
normal = 0, 0, 0
position = -0.25, 0.095, -0.535
orientation = 0, 0, 0
;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------
;под мишкой
strap_position = 0,1.2,0 ; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon when it is strapped
strap_orientation = 0,0,0 ; (3rd person view in degrees)
strap_bone0 = bip01_spine2
strap_bone1 = bip01_spine1
startup_ammo = 0
visual = weapons\ust\wpn_ust.ogf
light_disabled = false
light_color = 0.6,0.5,0.3 ; params for light during the fire
light_range = 5 ; radius
light_var_color = 0.05
light_var_range = 0.5
light_time = 1
ph_mass = 20
scope_status = 0
silencer_status = 0
grenade_launcher_status = 0
zoom_enabled = false
scope_texture = wpn\wpn_crosshair_g36
scope_zoom_factor = 45
snd_draw = weapons\gauss\gauss_draw
snd_holster = weapons\gauss\gauss_holster
snd_shoot = weapons\gauss\gauss_shot
snd_empty = weapons\gauss\gauss_empty, 0.5
snd_reload = weapons\gauss\gauss_reload
allow_inertion = true
;shell_point = 0.256, 0.12, 0.65
;shell_dir = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
fire_point = 0.05, 0.0, 0.1
fire_bone = wpn_body
orientation = 0.2, 0.0, 0.4
position = 0.0, -0.0, 0.1
visual = weapons\ust\wpn_ust_hud.ogf
anim_idle = idle
anim_draw = draw
anim_reload = holster
anim_holster = holster
anim_shoot = shoot
anim_idle_sprint = idle
anim_empty = shoot
anim_shot_last = shoot
zoom_hide_crosshair = false
;смещения HUD для режима приближения
zoom_offset = -0.130000,0.000000,0.000000
zoom_rotate_x = 0.000000
zoom_rotate_y = 0.000000