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@  YVY69 : (07 December 2024 - 04:22 PM)

#6920 Ивар тайник на Радаре (3.9)

@  YVY69 : (23 November 2024 - 06:17 PM)

#6809 Диман Орех тайник Призрака в хрущёвке

@  YVY69 : (23 November 2024 - 04:38 PM)

#6808 тайник Рашпиля на свалке (3.9) все варианты событий

@  YVY69 : (16 November 2024 - 08:54 AM)

#6749 абсолютно вся инфа о микстуре (build 3.9)

@  модератор Sn1ck : (14 November 2024 - 04:24 PM)


@  YVY69 : (09 November 2024 - 12:22 PM)

#6634 тайники Ивара на Радаре build 3.9 прохождение с привязкой к геолокации

@  RomaM65 : (31 October 2024 - 02:05 PM)

@ Илья_О, спасибо большое

@  Илья_О : (31 October 2024 - 08:26 AM)

@ RomaM65,
есть я/диск со сборками - https://disk.yandex..../wUXSKn9TrHo_Lw

@  RomaM65 : (30 October 2024 - 07:16 PM)

У кого-то есть ссылка на старую сборку 2.0 от SOB'а?
А то все битые

@  YVY69 : (25 October 2024 - 02:37 PM)

#6310 Иванковском райцентре квест : Диман Орех тайник Призрака и Рыжий тайник в школе (первая инициализация игры для build 3.9)

@  Xanders1987 : (02 October 2024 - 08:05 AM)

места артефакта пличко

@  модератор Petrenka : (16 September 2024 - 03:12 PM)

Карту можно выложить в специальную тему для правок и дополнений

@  Геймер : (15 September 2024 - 01:23 PM)

Чтобы карта не затерялась, сделай её скриншот и выложи в теме Мир НЛС, к примеру. Или сразу эту возьми и выложи https://ibb.co/5YKMJ9N может пригодится кому.

@  YVY69 : (14 September 2024 - 10:54 PM)

Я сделал карту пещеры под озером на локации Туманная чаща. Выложил в в 3.9.1. , моё сообщение сообщение забили флудом. Это ЭКСЛЮЗИВ карты нет нигде , теперь легко можно проникнуть и обследовать эту пещеру , подходит на все build NLC

@  BUH10 : (07 September 2024 - 10:35 PM)

Не жёсткому а настоящему

@  BUH10 : (07 September 2024 - 10:33 PM)

:)) D 7.5.3 ПОПРОБУЮ

@  BUH10 : (07 September 2024 - 10:33 PM)


@  Towarish_kom... : (01 September 2024 - 12:14 PM)


@  ladanfunny : (27 August 2024 - 03:43 PM)


@  rothmans777 : (16 August 2024 - 10:28 AM)

Как я вижу, идея благополучно загнулась?


26.04.16 - работа над ошибками 10

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Скачал, поставил, начал НИ.
При сдаче Шустрому медузы и хвостов Толику, получаемые рецепты в ПдА не отображаются. То же самое было на 9 апдейте.




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А виснущие контейнеры для артефактов не поправили?
По логам не увидел...





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Решил выменять у Шерстюка АПС. Отдаю ему водку и по диалогу, вроде как, получаю АПС. Но случается ошибка, игра зависает. Нажимаю на esc проходит, но апс в инвентаре не появляется. Скриншот ошибки прилагаю.

Прикрепленные файлы

  • Прикрепленный файл  error.png   13.65К   0 скачиваний





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Обновился. ГГ начал прыгать как кенгуру. Совесть имейте, не лепите такого. Солдаты с блокпоста гоняются за мной по деревне новичков не обращая внимания на остальных.

Сообщение отредактировал marc65: 27 April 2016 - 10:57 PM





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Makfly, это окошко ничего не даст альпету. Выложите условия глюка и лог из папки важего аккаунта (в profiles).


P.S. Разговор со Стасом, ночь.

[22:08:17.609/+ 01:20:44.081/499.4]. #XRAY: #FATAL ERROR
[22:08:17.609/+ 01:20:44.081/0.177]. #XRAY: [error]Expression : fatal error
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.131]. #XRAY: [error]Function : SimpleExceptionFilter
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.127]. #XRAY: [error]File : xrDebugNew.cpp
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.119]. #XRAY: [error]Line : 498
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.122]. #XRAY: [error]Description :
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.125]. #XRAY: [error]Arguments : Вызыван фильтр исключения, информация:
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.133]. #XRAY: 'Ошибка доступа чтения памяти по адресу 0x6a626f5f ' at '0x6A626F5F', flags = 0x0000
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.181]. #XRAY:
[22:08:17.610/+ 01:20:44.082/0.135]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.041][ 23.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46396B8A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.139]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.018][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46396D6A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.134]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.018][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46396D6A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.133]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.018][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46396D6A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.144]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.018][ 0.4]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46396D6A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.130]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.017][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x463974BA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.132]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.017][ 12.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x463974BA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.611/+ 01:20:44.083/0.133]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x463974BA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.612/+ 01:20:44.084/0.214]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x463974BA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.612/+ 01:20:44.084/0.187]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639766A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.612/+ 01:20:44.084/0.199]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.612/+ 01:20:44.084/0.193]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.612/+ 01:20:44.084/0.162]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.613/+ 01:20:44.085/0.141]. #XRAY: [22:08:17.005][ 16.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.615/+ 01:20:44.087/2.350]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.615/+ 01:20:44.087/0.152]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398CEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.615/+ 01:20:44.087/0.214]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46397952, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.615/+ 01:20:44.087/0.189]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.183]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.174]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.162]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.988][ 16.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.174]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.177]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639847A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.616/+ 01:20:44.088/0.185]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46398252, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.234]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.180]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.190]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.140]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.971][ 16.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.138]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.617/+ 01:20:44.089/0.129]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639CAE2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.131]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639778A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.148]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.160]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.158]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.174]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.954][ 16.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.618/+ 01:20:44.090/0.183]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.172]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639AF9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.173]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399FF2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.205]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.155]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.194]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.619/+ 01:20:44.091/0.143]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.937][ 16.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.142]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.143]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46399E42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.148]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x463968D2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.133]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.143]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.620/+ 01:20:44.092/0.151]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.153]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.920][ 17.7]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.143]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.903][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.131]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.903][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639C0F2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.160]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.903][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639A0CA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.133]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.903][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.144]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.902][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.621/+ 01:20:44.093/0.154]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.902][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.622/+ 01:20:44.094/0.152]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.902][ 17.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.622/+ 01:20:44.094/0.143]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.622/+ 01:20:44.094/0.185]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x46395C42, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.622/+ 01:20:44.094/0.122]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639B552, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.622/+ 01:20:44.094/0.109]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639736A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.623/+ 01:20:44.095/0.629]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639736A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.623/+ 01:20:44.095/0.146]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639736A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.623/+ 01:20:44.095/0.144]. #XRAY: [22:08:16.885][ 16.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x4639736A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:17.820/+ 01:20:44.292/197.3]. #XRAY:
[22:08:17.820/+ 01:20:44.292/0.075]. #XRAY: #CRASH report: game_lua_state = 0x1529F7E0, msg = gather_info
[22:08:17.820/+ 01:20:44.292/0.052]. #XRAY: stack traceback:
[22:08:17.820/+ 01:20:44.292/0.041]. #XRAY: #CRASH report: aux_lua_state = 0x1529F7E0, msg = gather_info
[22:08:17.820/+ 01:20:44.292/0.035]. #XRAY: stack traceback:
[22:08:17.823/+ 01:20:44.295/2.922]. #XRAY: ** break by StackWalk ***
[22:08:17.823/+ 01:20:44.295/0.053]. #XRAY: PrintStackTrace executed from:
[22:08:17.824/+ 01:20:44.296/0.042]. #XRAY: 0023:00989C34 (0x006584B0 0x1529F7E0 0x00188C78 0x0096F116) xrCore.dll, BuildStackTrace(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\blackbox\blackboxui.cpp, 90
[22:08:17.826/+ 01:20:44.298/2.523]. #XRAY: ** break by StackWalk ***
[22:08:17.826/+ 01:20:44.298/0.050]. #XRAY: stack trace:
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/ 50.9]. #XRAY: 0023:00986F43 (0x009ACE88 0x009ACE74 0x00189D60 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 620
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.071]. #XRAY: 0023:009880C0 (0x00A4B024 0x009AC768 0x000001F2 0x009ACB64) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 769
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.054]. #XRAY: 0023:00985752 (0x0018B68C 0x713756D0 0x0018B694 0x00000001) xrCore.dll, SimpleExceptionFilter(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 498
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.054]. #XRAY: 0023:005D3729 (0x0018B694 0x00000001 0x0018B694 0x00000000) xr_3da.EXE, RP_SafeCall(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.cpp, 62
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.051]. #XRAY: 0023:713756D0 (0x00405411 0x4F29BBE8 0x00000000 0x00000004) MSVCR120.dll, except_handler3()
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.050]. #XRAY: 0023:0055821E (0x00405411 0x0046875E 0x3E99999A 0x0000000C) xr_3da.EXE, CRegistrator::Process(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.h, 89
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.057]. #XRAY: 0023:00557525 (0x71369E98 0x75676552 0x5472616C 0x72656D69) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::FrameMove(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 772
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.052]. #XRAY: 0023:00558F12 (0x0018FE14 0x00605858 0x0000000A 0x0018CB84) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::Run(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 597
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.041]. #XRAY: 0023:0047944A (0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A 0x46524550) xr_3da.EXE, Startup(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 343
[22:08:17.877/+ 01:20:44.349/0.043]. #XRAY: 0023:00479DC6 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain_impl(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 842
[22:08:17.878/+ 01:20:44.350/0.043]. #XRAY: 0023:00496265 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 908
[22:08:17.878/+ 01:20:44.350/0.044]. #XRAY: 0023:005F00F4 (0xFFFDE000 0x0018FFD4 0x77409A02 0xFFFDE000) xr_3da.EXE, __tmainCRTStartup(), f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c, 618
[22:08:17.878/+ 01:20:44.350/0.043]. #XRAY: 0023:7610338A (0xFFFDE000 0x7E69A5C7 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()
[22:08:17.878/+ 01:20:44.350/0.041]. #XRAY: 0023:77409A02 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:17.878/+ 01:20:44.350/0.041]. #XRAY: 0023:774099D5 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x78746341) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:17.901]. #DBG: Game paused changed to 1
[22:08:19.868/+ 01:20:46.340/ 1990]. #XRAY: #EXCEPTION: catched in RP_SafeCall for func = 0x00405411 (ILT+17420(?rp_FrameYIXPAXZ) + 0x0), obj = 0x4F29BBE8 (CLevel* + 0x0)
[22:08:19.868/+ 01:20:46.340/0.491]. #XRAY: #PERF_WARN: after func = 0x00405411 (ILT+17420(?rp_FrameYIXPAXZ) + 0x0), obj = 0x4F29BBE8 (CLevel* + 0x0) frame elapsed = 2850 ms (+2825), ticks1 = 2824, ticks2 = 2824
[22:08:21.122]. #DBG: Game paused changed to 0
[22:08:21.145/+ 01:20:47.617/ 1277]. #XRAY: #DBG: CRenderTarget destructor completed!
[22:08:22.736/+ 01:20:49.208/ 1592]. #XRAY: DVB created: 4096K
[22:08:22.736/+ 01:20:49.208/0.205]. #XRAY: DIB created: 512K
[22:08:23.329/+ 01:20:49.801/592.8]. #XRAY: GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[22:08:23.329/+ 01:20:49.801/0.162]. #XRAY: GPU vertex cache: recognized, 32
[22:08:23.330/+ 01:20:49.802/0.092]. #XRAY: ** RESET [2186 ms]
[22:08:23.701/+ 01:20:50.173/371.1]. #PERF_WARN: npc_fire_rastopka#1 elapsed = 16.4 ms, objects = 2790
[22:08:23.710/+ 01:20:50.182/9.202]. #PERF_WARN: npc_fire_rastopka#2 elapsed = 25.7 ms, st_objects = 4
[22:08:23.710/+ 01:20:50.182/0.229]. #PERF_WARN: npc_fire_rastopka#3 elapsed = 26.0 ms, loops = 4
[22:08:23.843]. #DBG: change_sleepiness diff = 0.117 from:

stack traceback:
gamedata\scripts\params\params.script:532: in function 'tiredness_add'
gamedata\scripts\sak\sak.script:5393: in function 'func'
gamedata\scripts\alpet\task_smart_upd.script:238: in function 'DoRegularTask'
gamedata\scripts\alpet\task_smart_upd.script:345: in function
[22:08:23.843]. #TIREDNESS_ADD: new_coef = 1.02233, sleepiness = 117.493, stamina = 1.100 (max_power = 1.0), pht = -96.053, diff = 0.1174, delay = 0.7 min
[22:08:23.865/+ 01:20:50.337/155.1]. #XRAY: Scheduler tried to update object esc_zone_flame_small_0005
[22:08:23.937]. #DBG: executing on_remove ({ 2318 })
[22:08:24.071/+ 01:20:50.543/205.7]. #XRAY: Scheduler tried to update object esc_blokpost_soldier4
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/ 49.7]. #XRAY: #EXCEPTION_INFO: 'Ошибка доступа чтения памяти по адресу 0x6a626f5f ' at '0x6A626F5F', flags = 0x0000
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.096]. #XRAY: ExceptionInformation[0] = 0x00000008
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.045]. #XRAY: ExceptionInformation[1] = 0x6A626F5F
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.042]. #XRAY: #DEBUG_STACK/CONTEXT:
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.039]. #XRAY: for thread 3260:
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.259]. #XRAY: 1. CLevel*
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.165]. #XRAY: 0. ILT+17420(?rp_FrameYIXPAXZ)
[22:08:24.121/+ 01:20:50.593/0.058]. #XRAY: for thread 3780:
[22:08:24.134/+ 01:20:50.606/ 13.1]. #XRAY: ** break by StackWalk ***
[22:08:24.134/+ 01:20:50.606/0.077]. #XRAY: Exception stack trace 25 lines, EIP = 0x6a626f5f, ESP = 0x0018bc4c:
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.043]. #XRAY: 0 0023:6A626F5F (0x3D1C02C0 0x3F71EFE2 0x004B9B47 0x3FAD2D3A) xr_3da.EXE
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.047]. #XRAY: 1 0023:1C2CE492 (0x3FAD2D3A 0x3E800000 0x1509A40A 0x0018BCB4) xrGame.dll, CAI_Stalker::Radius(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\ai\stalker\ai_stalker.cpp, 870
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.046]. #XRAY: 2 0023:004B9B47 (0x3E800000 0x3E800000 0xBE997524 0x4950F680) xr_3da.EXE, CObject::spatial_update(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xr_object.cpp, 296
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.045]. #XRAY: 3 0023:004B563F (0x4950F680 0x0018BE24 0x1C5FCC98 0x4950F680) xr_3da.EXE, CObject::UpdateCL(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xr_object.cpp, 327
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.045]. #XRAY: 4 0023:1C5E9BD0 (0x4950F680 0x1C10B2C7 0x0000000A 0x42B1AF10) xrGame.dll, CGameObject::UpdateCL(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\gameobject.cpp, 1019
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.045]. #XRAY: 5 0023:1C5FCC98 (0x0000000A 0x42B1AF10 0x42B1AF10 0x4193B7BF) xrGame.dll, CPhysicsShellHolder::UpdateCL(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\physicsshellholder.cpp, 266
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.047]. #XRAY: 6 0023:1C10B2C7 (0x4F29BBE8 0x00000001 0x0000000A 0x3CA96000) xrGame.dll, CCustomMonster::UpdateCL(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\custommonster.cpp, 406
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.060]. #XRAY: 7 0023:1C2CE6A6 (0x42B1AF10 0x42B1AF10 0x4193B7BF 0x4323518D) xrGame.dll, CAI_Stalker::UpdateCL(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\ai\stalker\ai_stalker.cpp, 694
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.067]. #XRAY: 8 0023:004BB374 (0x4950F680 0x3DC6BD80 0x3DC6BD80 0x4833ED00) xr_3da.EXE, CObjectList::SingleUpdate(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp, 160
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.067]. #XRAY: 9 0023:004BB32B (0x4C372C60 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) xr_3da.EXE, CObjectList::SingleUpdate(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp, 156
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.069]. #XRAY: 10 0023:004BBAB4 (0x00000000 0x0018FE14 0x1C719B31 0x3946D6F0) xr_3da.EXE, CObjectList::Update(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xr_object_list.cpp, 225
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.070]. #XRAY: 11 0023:004A8C85 (0x4950FD80 0x4F2EED90 0x0018C020 0x1C5EB493) xr_3da.EXE, IGame_Level::OnFrame(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\igame_level.cpp, 142
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.067]. #XRAY: 12 0023:1C53D5E2 (0x4F29BBE8 0x0018C154 0x005D3715 0x0018FE14) xrGame.dll, CLevel::OnFrame(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\level.cpp, 650
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.071]. #XRAY: 13 0023:005D4F25 (0x0018FE14 0x0000000C 0x0000000A 0x00000000) xr_3da.EXE, rp_Frame(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.cpp, 110
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.052]. #XRAY: 14 0023:005D3715 (0x00405411 0x4F29BBE8 0x00000000 0x00000004) xr_3da.EXE, RP_SafeCall(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.cpp, 61
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.046]. #XRAY: 15 0023:0055821E (0x00405411 0x00469640 0x3D2E2CDA 0x0000000C) xr_3da.EXE, CRegistrator::Process(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.h, 89
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.050]. #XRAY: 16 0023:00557525 (0x71369E98 0x75676552 0x5472616C 0x72656D69) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::FrameMove(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 772
[22:08:24.135/+ 01:20:50.607/0.045]. #XRAY: 17 0023:00558F12 (0x0018FE14 0x00605858 0x0000000A 0x0018CB84) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::Run(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 597
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.044]. #XRAY: 18 0023:0047944A (0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A 0x46524550) xr_3da.EXE, Startup(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 343
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.043]. #XRAY: 19 0023:00479DC6 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain_impl(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 842
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.047]. #XRAY: 20 0023:00496265 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 908
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.045]. #XRAY: 21 0023:005F00F4 (0xFFFDE000 0x0018FFD4 0x77409A02 0xFFFDE000) xr_3da.EXE, __tmainCRTStartup(), f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c, 618
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.045]. #XRAY: 22 0023:7610338A (0xFFFDE000 0x7E69A5C7 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.042]. #XRAY: 23 0023:77409A02 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:24.136/+ 01:20:50.608/0.043]. #XRAY: 24 0023:774099D5 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x78746341) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:24.635/+ 01:20:51.107/499.6]. #XRAY: #FATAL ERROR
[22:08:24.635/+ 01:20:51.107/0.064]. #XRAY: [error]Expression : fatal error
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [error]Function : SimpleExceptionFilter
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.043]. #XRAY: [error]File : xrDebugNew.cpp
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.041]. #XRAY: [error]Line : 498
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.042]. #XRAY: [error]Description :
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.042]. #XRAY: [error]Arguments : Вызыван фильтр исключения, информация:
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: 'Ошибка доступа чтения памяти по адресу 0x6a626f5f ' at '0x6A626F5F', flags = 0x0000
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.065]. #XRAY:
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.048]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.120][ 5.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x5F1C538A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.048]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.114][ 6.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x5F1C2882, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.108][ 5.2]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x5F1C6EEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.103][ 19.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x5F1C09C2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB105C2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB105C2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0B26A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.046]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x16503302, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x16503302, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x16503302, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.083][ 5.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x16503302, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.078][ 0.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0B2E2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.077][ 2.7]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0F032, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.046]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.074][ 2.4]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0CC02, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.636/+ 01:20:51.108/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.072][ 1.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0C37A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.044]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.070][ 1.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14E82, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.069][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB1570A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.051]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.068][ 2.6]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0BE9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.048]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.066][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB1948A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.066][ 2.3]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB16C52, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.063][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB13982, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.063][ 1.5]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB16C82, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.062][ 1.4]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0AAD2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.046]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.061][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB17BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.045]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.060][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB17BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.046]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.060][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB17BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.046]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.060][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB17BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.051]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.060][ 4.6]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB17BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.056][ 12.6]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0BA7A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0B4DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.039]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0B4DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB11F12, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB153DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB153DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB153DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.043][ 4.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB153DA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.038][ 0.2]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0BF72, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.637/+ 01:20:51.109/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.038][ 3.8]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB1900A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.034][ 2.9]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB171C2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.051]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.031][ 0.6]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB1747A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.030][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.030][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.030][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.055]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.030][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.055]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.030][ 4.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB14BCA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.026][ 2.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB16322, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.024][ 1.7]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB15A82, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.022][ 2.5]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB177AA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.043]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.020][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB13AEA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.020][ 1.3]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0E02A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.039]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.018][ 2.5]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0ACFA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.043]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.016][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB190B2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.038]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.016][ 10.2]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB186C2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.041]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.006][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB10C22, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.041]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.006][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB10C22, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.043]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.006][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB0BB9A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.006][ 0.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB178E2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.053]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB178E2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.050]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.005][ 0.0]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB178E2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.638/+ 01:20:51.110/0.050]. #XRAY: [22:08:24.005][ 6.4]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB178E2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.639/+ 01:20:51.111/0.050]. #XRAY: [22:08:23.999][ 3.1]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB109FA, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.639/+ 01:20:51.111/0.050]. #XRAY: [22:08:23.996][ 3.2]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB181B2, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.639/+ 01:20:51.111/0.047]. #XRAY: [22:08:23.993][ 13.2]. CONTEXT: weak_ref destructor, m_impl = 0x1DB13A8A, class = .PAUimpl@weak_ref@luabind@@
[22:08:24.824/+ 01:20:51.296/185.3]. #XRAY:
[22:08:24.824/+ 01:20:51.296/0.074]. #XRAY: #CRASH report: game_lua_state = 0x1529F7E0, msg = gather_info
[22:08:24.824/+ 01:20:51.296/0.052]. #XRAY: stack traceback:
[22:08:24.824/+ 01:20:51.296/0.041]. #XRAY: #CRASH report: aux_lua_state = 0x1529F7E0, msg = gather_info
[22:08:24.824/+ 01:20:51.296/0.036]. #XRAY: stack traceback:
[22:08:24.827/+ 01:20:51.299/2.889]. #XRAY: ** break by StackWalk ***
[22:08:24.827/+ 01:20:51.299/0.052]. #XRAY: PrintStackTrace executed from:
[22:08:24.827/+ 01:20:51.299/0.043]. #XRAY: 0023:00989C34 (0x006584B0 0x1529F7E0 0x00188C90 0x0096F116) xrCore.dll, BuildStackTrace(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\blackbox\blackboxui.cpp, 90
[22:08:24.830/+ 01:20:51.302/3.364]. #XRAY: ** break by StackWalk ***
[22:08:24.831/+ 01:20:51.303/0.058]. #XRAY: stack trace:
[22:08:24.880/+ 01:20:51.352/ 49.8]. #XRAY: 0023:00986F43 (0x009ACE88 0x009ACE74 0x00189D78 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 620
[22:08:24.880/+ 01:20:51.352/0.072]. #XRAY: 0023:009880C0 (0x00A4B024 0x009AC768 0x000001F2 0x009ACB64) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 769
[22:08:24.880/+ 01:20:51.352/0.054]. #XRAY: 0023:00985752 (0x0018B6A4 0x713756D0 0x0018B6AC 0x00000001) xrCore.dll, SimpleExceptionFilter(), x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\xrdebugnew.cpp, 498
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.056]. #XRAY: 0023:005D3729 (0x0018B6AC 0x00000001 0x0018B6AC 0x00000000) xr_3da.EXE, RP_SafeCall(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.cpp, 62
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.051]. #XRAY: 0023:713756D0 (0x00405411 0x4F29BBE8 0x00000000 0x00000004) MSVCR120.dll, except_handler3()
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.052]. #XRAY: 0023:0055821E (0x00405411 0x00469640 0x3D2E2CDA 0x0000000C) xr_3da.EXE, CRegistrator::Process(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\pure.h, 89
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.053]. #XRAY: 0023:00557525 (0x71369E98 0x75676552 0x5472616C 0x72656D69) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::FrameMove(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 772
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.053]. #XRAY: 0023:00558F12 (0x0018FE14 0x00605858 0x0000000A 0x0018CB84) xr_3da.EXE, CRenderDevice::Run(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\device.cpp, 597
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.052]. #XRAY: 0023:0047944A (0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A 0x46524550) xr_3da.EXE, Startup(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 343
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.052]. #XRAY: 0023:00479DC6 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain_impl(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 842
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.051]. #XRAY: 0023:00496265 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x00782CEA 0x0000000A) xr_3da.EXE, WinMain(), x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\x_ray.cpp, 908
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.051]. #XRAY: 0023:005F00F4 (0xFFFDE000 0x0018FFD4 0x77409A02 0xFFFDE000) xr_3da.EXE, __tmainCRTStartup(), f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c, 618
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.050]. #XRAY: 0023:7610338A (0xFFFDE000 0x7E69A5C7 0x00000000 0x00000000) kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.049]. #XRAY: 0023:77409A02 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:24.881/+ 01:20:51.353/0.050]. #XRAY: 0023:774099D5 (0x005EFFC5 0xFFFDE000 0x00000000 0x78746341) ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
[22:08:26.350]. #DBG: Game paused changed to 1



Плюс еще баг, с координатами Стаса.

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Сообщение отредактировал RomaM65: 27 April 2016 - 11:30 PM

Снимаю переигровки.




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Решил выменять у Шерстюка АПС. Отдаю ему водку и по диалогу, вроде как, получаю АПС. Но случается ошибка, игра зависает. Нажимаю на esc проходит, но апс в инвентаре не появляется. Ошибка повторяющаяся. Могу приложить скриншот загрузки системы. Cссылку на лог прикрепляю https://yadi.sk/i/plexCyNZrLrWC




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Ребята, прошу прощения, что внес смуту. Дождитесь обновы. 

Я хлопец хороший!




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Твои правленые конфиги работают только на лайте или на дефолте тоже?

Только на лайте начиная с 10 обновления.





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Уважаемый SOB, о какой обнове идет речь?




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Установил обновление, заказал у Султана АК-108, получил и увидел наконец новые нормальные текстуры.




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Репутация: 3527 Постов: 8730

получил и увидел наконец новые нормальные текстуры.

Там и модель сильно другая, не только текстуры.




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Репутация: 329 Постов: 906

Уважаемый SOB, о какой обнове идет речь?

Не все новые меши попали в обнову, поэтому игра будет ругаться на АПС и РПК.

Я хлопец хороший!




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Что-то с рецептами модификатов напутано. Варил "Стальной колобок", в рецепте сказано, что 1 час, по факту же - 2 часа.





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Не все новые меши попали в обнову, поэтому игра будет ругаться на АПС и РПК.

Не забудьте добавить звуки выстрелов для АПС, а то пока самому приходится озвучивать этот пистолет :D





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Также разрушен миф о дикобразе. Раньше его аномалия е воспринимала, теперь воспринимает с сигналом ошибки. Спустя полтора часа Меченный ушёл не солоно хлебавши. :)
Ждал мой ГГ полтора часа, дождусь двух и если что-то изменится, отредактирую пост.

Сообщение отредактировал RomaM65: 28 April 2016 - 02:34 AM

Снимаю переигровки.




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Репутация: 2

С АПСом разобрались.....

При варке дикобраза звучит сигнал, после чего нет возможности зайти в инвентарь. Перепроверял - срабатывает 100%

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В ближайшем обновлении поправьте пожалуйста прыжок. Я не верю, что без всякого шаманства Меченый мог запрыгивать на заборы.

Сообщение отредактировал marc65: 28 April 2016 - 09:30 AM





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Надо ли ставить предыдущие обновления и если надо, то в каком порядке?





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Надо ли ставить предыдущие обновления и если надо, то в каком порядке?

Нет. Обновы кумулятивные, каждая включает все предыдущие.





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Репутация: 2

Затупили сталкеры. Стреляют куда-то ...... в текстуры. Сопровождается вылетами. Ошибку повторить не получилось.

Прикрепленный файл  xr_3da.build_6256+luaicp 09_31 PID@1600+ERROR_LSC+LUA_ERROR.rar   212.9К   2 скачиваний


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